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Herstmonceux Church of England Primary School

Maple Class 2024/25

Our Year 1 teaching team is Mr. Allery and Miss. Roberts.

Important Information

Our PE lessons are on Mondays and Thursdays this term.

Children will need to come to school dressed in their full PE kit.

Reading books will be changed once a week.

Home Learning Books will be given out on Fridays. These will contain a couple of pages of information and activities based on the Phonics we have been learning that week.

Please could these be returned on Monday or Tuesday as it then gives me time to check, mark and stick in the following week's activities! :)

Please ensure children have water bottles and reading books in school everyday.

Children only require one snack a day which will be had during our snacktime in the morning.

Children will not require extra snack for the afternoon.

Maple Class 24-25

 Please click below for our latest Topic Letter:

Year One - Topic Letter - Term 1


Year one - Topic Letter - Term 2